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It's that time of year again.  The snow is falling, the wind is blowing, the ice is freezing, and the trees...oh the smell of a Christmas tree.  This will be my first Christmas as a mommy.  I am so excited.  I want to give my daughter everything.  Though she is barely old enough to know what is really going on, I still tell her the story of Jesus' birth and the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

My charge to you is not to forget about the One who died for our sins.  The One who was chosen to be born and take on the weight of the world.  Christmas, though overly commericalized, still has a lot of symbolic meanings that reference that blessed night thousands of years ago.

Take for instance the star on the tree and the lights.  They symbolize the star that guided the wise men to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus.  The candy canes represent the blood that Jesus would one day shed for the remission of our sins.  The gifts that we give represent the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 
These items were of great value in those days.  The wise men would bring only the best for our King.  Have you given your best to Him?

Let us think about the message we are sending our children.  That it is only about buying overpriced items, eating way too much food, taking pictures with "Santa", and putting up enough figures and lights to power 3 states?  No, no, no.  This season give Jesus.  He is the greatest gift you can give someone.  You don't have to fight through traffic and wait in long lines.  He is never out of stock.  There is no need to gift wrap Him. 

He even comes with His Father and the Holy Spirit.  He can do more for you than any multipurpose household item or action figure.  My daughter will one day grow tired of playing with her toys or her grow out of her clothes.  But she will never grow out of Jesus.  Mommy & daddy will one day pass away, but because I gave her Jesus, she will never be alone.  Will you do the same for the ones you love?

It's gratefulness

Thanksgiving is a time when people give thanks for their harvest.  The harvest is not just fruits, meats, and vegetables.  It encompasses the blessings that God has bestowed upon you.  As the song writer says: 'He didn't have to do it, but He did.' 

Often times our lives get so crazy/hectic and we forget about the details of life.  We forget to stop and take a few minutes to celebrate the fact that we are still among the land of the living.  We have planned our routes and mapped the exit ramps, but have not paid attention to the beautiful scenery along the way.  Before you know it, the views will be gone and the journey will be over.  Then what?  Can ayou honestly say how grateful you were to see the flowers bloom or hear the sweet sounds of a baby's laugh?  Not if you are speeding through life, planning every minute of every day, and not taking time to enjoy it.

I used to be so focused on my next move that I did not full enjoy the moment I was in.  This year all that changed for me.  This year I was forced to stop, sit down, relax, and enjoy each moment.  I've spent the majority of the year pregnant.  As some of you know, you have to slow down & pace yourself or else the baby will make you slow down.

As I progressed through my pregnancy, I learned how to relax (though it was tough).  I learned that I can't and don't have to be 'Super Woman'.  I just have to be me.  Now that I'm officially a mom, I spend each day cherishing each moment with my daughter.  I've learned not to worry about tomorrow, because it will take care of it self (as it always has).  The clutter of unnecessary drama has been removed from my life, my marriage, and my family.  We focus on the positive & try not to self-destruct.

So when asked what am I thankful for this year.  I simply reply, this very moment.  All of my happiness, sadness, hard times, good times, and lessons learned have brought me to where I am today.  This very moment.  So I am grateful for the life God has allowed me to live thus far and look forward to embrassing many more moments.