It's easy to spot a rebellious child. You know, the ones that kick and scream for candy. They talk back and refuse to comply with rules. The ones that make you want to slap some sense into their mothers. It's not always easy to spot a rebellious adult. Maybe they are the ones that refuse to comply with work, can't make a commitment, or always have a chip on their shoulder.
Or maybe they are the ones who go to work each day, but are always late for meetings. The ones that secretly eat 10 cookies in 1 sitting and then talk down to them selves because they don't have self control. It could very well be the one who refuses to socialize with others and no matter how hard you try, they just won't turn the light on.
Adult Rebellion comes in many forms. At the root of it all is is a person crying out for help. They are unhappy with some aspect of their life and don't know how to fix it. I know, because I have been there. That push you need to get out of bed just doesn't seem to be there anymore. Everything seems to suffer because you have disconnected with the One you need to talk to the most.
Depression is real. But so is God's love for us. Having trouble figuring out your next move or contemplating ending it all? I dare you to try Jesus. Cry out with a loud voice JESUS! GOD HELP ME. GOD I NEED YOU. FATHER FORGIVE ME. Cry as many tears as you need. In your crying out, continue to listen for a response. It may not seem like it now, but life can get better. You can smile again. Your love didn't fade overnight, but God's love can turn things around in the blink of an eye. You are not alone. You do not have to rebel or be on the run. You can live and love a life that is abundant in love and blessings. You need only to accept Jesus into your heart and life.
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