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June 12, 2016

Now Faith

Trusting in the Lord requires us to listen to our hearts and not our own minds.  I have found that the more I think about the situation, the less my faith can work.  If you are a planner and over thinker, like me, then it can be a challenge to walk by faith.  It can be a challenge to really submit myself to God and to really believe that a mountain can be moved.  It doesn’t make me less of a Christian.  It simply means I am human.  In those times when my faith seemed to lessen, it is when I am reminded that the mountain God moved before can be moved again.  When situations don’t work out the way we wanted them to, it takes even more faith to know that the outcome God wants for us is what is best.  I encourage you to think back to times in your life when it seemed like a situation was impossible to solve or that you just were not sure if you were making the best decision.  Think about what you did to get through that time and how you felt when the answer or solution presented itself.  That was your faith at work. You believed that the situation would have an outcome that was favorable to you and it worked out.  You were confident that the end result would be one that was Right?  No?  You didn’t get the response you were hoping for?  It does not mean that your faith was not strong enough or that God did not hear your prayers.  It could be a sign that there are better things to come or that it was not time to move that mountain.


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