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December 16, 2015

Ask for Help

My oldest is days away from finishing her first semester in kindergarten. Yah! We need this break.  She has grown so much over the last few months.  I've also noticed the struggles she has with learning new concepts.  Many times people will tell me that she will catch on and be on level with the other kids. Something in my heart keeps telling me that there is more to the story.

As a mom, as a human being, we some how learn to absorb the comments of others and internalize them. At some point, I started to question my parenting skills. Am I doing enough? Should I try another way? Why isn't she getting this?  I still wonder these things, but when I see my child cry because she doesn't want to go to school or do homework, I start to worry even more.

Her teacher has been fantastic in helping me stay abreast as to what goes on in class, and different methods to try with my daughter.  While I didn't struggle in school,  I know that my daughter is not me.  She is a unique and beautiful snowflake that learns to the rhythm of a different beat.  So how could I figure out her beat?

I pray all the time that she will excel in wchool, learn concepts, and grow up to be a remarkable woman.  I also know that faith without works is dead.  If I am seeing challenges now, I have to think of my daughter and work to figure this out before she goes any further in school.  I cannot be afraid to ask for help.

We live in an individualized society and frown on dependence.  Thankfully. I live in a depend state of faith and welcome help from my Master. I tell my clients that if there are resources out there that can help you better yourself, take them.  Shame is the enemy. Pride is the enemy.  What good would it do my daughter if I did not ask for help and minimize her struggles.  I teach her all the time to ask for help and work to reassure her that she is not alone.

My prayer is that you will stop fighting with your independence and learn to be dependent on God. Learn to ask Him for help and take advantage of the opportunities that are being presented to you. You never know which road will give you on another day's journey.

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