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January 14, 2016

Attracted to Drama

Have you ever wondered why some people are always caught up in theirs or someone else's drama?  It is like every time you blink, they've got another story to tell.  At what point are they going to take a nap or learn to leave well enough alone?  Probably never.

You, however, can learn to steer clear of their drama.  How?  It is simple.  Ask yourself this question....."Do I have the emotional capacity to deal with whatever it is they have going on?  Do I even care?"  If the answer is yes to at least one of those questions, then keep hanging out with them.  If the answer is no, I suggest you do some self reflection and begin distancing yourself from them.

It is not about not caring for the person.  Rather, it is about caring enough about yourself and the other person to tell them when you've had enough.  You cannot be involved in every single argument between Sharon and Rebecca.  That he said, she said mentality has to stop.  It is exhausting.  It took me a while to realize that some people can only function in chaos.  If the poop isn't hitting the fan, they don't know what to do.  

Some people thrive on being able to solve crises, while others thrive on the excitement that goes along with a crises.  Yes, there are actually people who are attracted to drama.  It could be that a man grew up in a home with a meddling mother who over exaggerated everything.  This man grows up and continues to get involved with women who are surrounded by drama.  They get into fights, are loud, take on more than they can handle, over exaggerate the smallest things.  It is not necessarily the drama that pulls them in.  rather it is the need to be needed and wanted.  A person with drama will always look for someone to take their side, distract them from everything else, or try to solve their problems.

So, if you are the type that can't seem do to function without something happening, I suggest you turn your phone off and learn the live without it for a while.  Much of the drama we face comes from our lack of a relationship with God.  If you are spending time talking to God and living according to his plan, then you won't have time for drama.


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