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January 02, 2016

Waiting with a Purpose

Read Genesis 29

Rachel’s beauty captivated Jacob.  He was willing to work 7 years for her.  When that 7 years was up, he did not give up in his pursuit of making her his wife.  But I begin to wonder what was going on in Rachel’s mind during the time that Leban, her father, gave Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel.  Her beauty stole his heart, but it wasn’t enough.  Imagine being allowed to skip everybody in the checkout line, only to be sent back to the back of the line at the very moment the cashier was about to ring up your items. 

Those set backs are not meant to keep you at the back of the line.  Rather they are opportunities for you to seek God and re-focus your priorities.  Chapter 29 doesn’t mention Rachel becoming upset that Leah was getting married to Jacob first.  I can only assume that she understood the order and reasoning for her father’s decision.  It didn’t mean it hurt any less, but she had to follow her father’s rules.  God may be keeping you at the back of the line, so that He can prepare you for greater.  It may hurt when we don’t get what we want, when we want it, or how we want it.  It may even hurt to see a “Leah” be given to a “Jacob” instead of you.  Your waiting has a purpose.  We live in a world of instant gratification that wants the quick fix, and get rich or die trying mentality. 

And while some blessings come to us quickly, other blessings take longer to get to us.  We can be blessed through our waiting.  Maybe the opportunity you wanted sounded good at the time, but it wasn’t what God wanted for you.  It was your plan, not God’s.  Waiting allows us to prepare for greater and equip ourselves to handle the additional responsibilities.  I encourage you to wait with a purpose.  

What is it that God is preparing you for?  What message is God trying to tell you?  What is God blocking and protecting you from?  As you wait on the Lord, use your time wisely.  Wait in prayer.  Wait in praise and worship.  Wait in gratefulness for where you are and what is to come.  Wait and study.  Wait and watch.  Your wedding day is coming.  Your opportunity to shine will come.  Will you be ready?  Or will you still be at the back of the line reading the gossip magazines?


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